Future Eve Foundation

The Future Eve Foundation is an Egyptian nonprofit supporting women-led households and widows in the governorate of Minya in Upper Egypt. In partnership with Alfanar and the Global Fund for Widows, it runs the Amal Project, an economic empowerment initiative using vocational and financial literacy training and microloans to help widows sustain themselves and their families.

Related sustainable development goals

  • No Poverty
  • Gender Equality
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • Reduced Inequalities


Since its launch in 2012, Amal has enabled more than 23,000 female breadwinners across 108 villages in Egypt to set up micro-enterprises and to achieve financial and economic independence, breaking inter-generational poverty cycles and delivering new hope to families across the region.

82% of participating widows feel hope for the future

97% of widows that have received a loan want to expand their businesses further

Focus areas

Focus sectors

  • Development
    • Economic development
      • Financial services
        • Credit unions
        • Development finance
          • Microfinance
      • Community improvement
      • Employment
        • Job training
      • Rural development
    • Business and industry
      • Entrepreneurship
    • Financial services
  • Education
    • Adult education
      • Adult Literacy
  • Human rights
  • Philanthropy
    • Venture philanthropy

Focus populations

  • Unemployed people
  • Widows
  • Women and girls
  • Working poor

Focus geographies

  • North Africa
    • Egypt
      • Minya


  • Alfanar
  • Global Fund for Widows


  • The Amal Project

    This is an economic empowerment programme providing low-cost loans to vulnerable widows and female breadwinners across Egypt. Vocational and financial literacy training, affordable micro-loans and widows savings and loan associations help female breadwinners start businesses and support their families. They offer a pathway to financial independence for vulnerable widows, who are often held hostage to gender and culture norms, which can prevent them from accessing finance and trap them in poverty. It is a collaboration with venture philanthropy organisation Alfanar and the Global Fund for Widows.



Funding model

  • Programme related investment

Primary funders

  • Alfanar

Funding source

  • Private
  • Revenue generation


Key staff

  • Sherif Labib, founder and director

Contact details



Giving hope. How a venture philanthropy-backed social micro-finance programme is creating brighter futures for widows, female breadwinners, and their families. Read more